Autobiographical cartoon animation of Julius banging his hands on a laptop.

Julius Tarng

After studying Industrial Design & HCI at Carnegie Mellon, I

  1. designed objects and interfaces at Smart Design like this OXO spatula
  2. explored community building and online discourse systems in Branch, Potluck and Rooms
  3. hacked on virtual reality and photographed a bunch of hands
  4. led the design tooling and infrastructure team to support over 600 product designers and their peers at Facebook, Instagram, Oculus, and WhatsApp
  5. built a tool for you to konmari your Twitter follows
  6. scaled the design team and shaped new accessibility and "no code" initiatives at Webflow
  7. mentored up-and-coming designers at Upperstudy
  8. engineered spatial scrapbooking software at Sprout and creative tools for mapmakers at Felt
  9. researched and developed new creative tools with The Browser Company

I now

  1. run an independent software imagineering studio called Toolshop, specializing in helping early stage startups prototype ambitious new software. Email julius at tarng dot com for fall 2022 projects ~
  2. retweet good cool fun stuff on Twitter (say hi!)
  3. build tools and make video games
  4. watch lots of anime
  5. hide out at the library, reading books
  6. try to learn stuff